soot, a fine black powder left by smoke on the inside of chimneys.
stealthily, secretly.
subdued, overcome, quieted.
subsist, live on.
suet, beef fat.
syringa bush, an ornamental shrub with very sweet white blossoms.
tapering, narrowing to a point.
temporary, for a short time.
tenants, dwellers, occupants.
tethered, tied, leashed, hitched to a post or weight.
tinker, work at anything in an unskilled way.
tin-sheathed, enclosed in tin sheeting.
tolerate, put up with, endure.
transfer, remove.
trellis, lattice work for vines to grow on.
trilling, quavering (said of singing).
underbrush, small trees and bushes growing under large trees in a wood.
ventilation, letting in fresh air.
venture, risk, attempt.
vespers, evening songs.
vigilant, watchful.
vise, clamp.
winsome, charming, pleasing.
yodeling, warbling, singing with frequent changes from high to low and low to high.