Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1300

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1262 Silent sing being s. to be reserved 745 1 be s. that you may hear 357 19 but of s. pace 718 10 death emote s 52 17 everything that is so s 558 12 face has voice 251 17 from being s. brutes 436 2 greatest hatred is s 354 26 grim, colossal 552 6 hangs s. on purple walls 512 23 if men here s. were 228 20 immense troubles are a 816 18 in our minster 235 5 into the ever s 377 25 is a s. commendation 62 25 keep home and be s 887 3 law is a s. magistrate 431 1 my s. servants wait 439 22 never having kept s 744 13 note which Cupid strikes 535 19 often in their s. kind 902 7 organ loudest chants 536 IS prefers, prudence 645 11 rises s. to Thee 627 10 since her death 926 6 soon they all are s 820 11 speaking words 618 22 there comes the s. token 365 8 truth should be s 821 18 under other snows 340 4 walks away and is s 182 23 why art thou s 579 19 with s. peaceful motion 526 1 see also Silence pp. 707-710 Silently-as a dream the fabric ... 40 2 as s. steal away 555 14 carry them s. away, 161 17 one by one, 750 12 wandering s. among them 675 20 with how wan a face 527 18 Silenus-palate of S 211 9 wed inmate of S.* Cell 496 4 Silere-alium s. quod voles 695 23 Silk-finer than s. of the floss 348 4 men, not s. and cotton 865 11 muslin and lace 31 is rustling in unpaid-for s 632 22 Silken-of a s. sound 793 20 string running through 520 4 terms precise 906 14 Silks-brave in s. and laces 786 5 ins. so fine 830 20 rustling of his s 31 20 Sill-or under this s 232 16 Siller-hae to spare 83 19 Silly-more s. than s. laughter 428 16 only pleased with s. things 428 19 people wits are 883 8 the s. when deceived exclaim. . 182 23 things we do are s 347 13 your s. old business 86 22 you s. old fool 86 22 Silvam-in s. ligua ferre 424 23 Silver-becks me to come on 784 24 call it a s. sword 750 9 fight with shafts of s 522 15 for a handful of s. he left 289 12 gleam when poplar trees 540 23 in pictures of s 905 23 is the king's stamp 493 l less valuable than gold 836 23 let me pluck that s. hair 349 20 make a bridge of s 854 6 moon so s. and cold 526 3 oars were s 75 8 o'er the dark her s. mantle 526 14 of sleeping brook 348 10 rather turn to dirt 866 15 set in the s. sea 568 2 sheets of s. shine 853 12 streak of s. sea 567 26 that shines in your hair 532 2 there's a s. lining 846 8 Time hath to s. turned 797 15 turn forth her s. lining 122 24 two metals (gold and s.) 848 9 under spheres of s 738 2 with borrow'd s. shine 527 21 Silvered-by time completely s.. . .347 24 in the moon's eclipse 921 17 o'er with age 13 26 .the walls of Cumnor Hall 526 11 'lias 741 8 Simile-go on all-fours 741 13 many may joke 804 6 Similem-habent labra 126 6 Simili-dissimiles s. conditions 166 15 Si mi lies-are like songs 42 22 sit and play with s 426 25 Similitude-studious of s 61 12 Similitudes-and used s 839 13 Similitudinis-quani pulchritudinis. 61 12 Simon-Old S. the cellarer 874 19 says old S. the King 206 12 Simple-arid brave his faith 860 12 faith than Norman blood 25 15 flown from s. sources 670 22 grave, sincere 630 3 he iss., teach him 420 6 like some of the s. great 492 23 man is s. when his chief 710 21 more s. than greatness 710 16 to be s- is to be great 710 16 too s. to admire 79 12 Simpleness-and gentleness 100 24 Simples-culling of a. 504 3 many s. operative 667 2 of a thousand names 503 G that have virtue 652 18 Simplest-greatest truths the s 710 19 man with passion 573 8 of blossoms 353 3 Simpletons-believe to be 283 26 Simplex-ac semper est s.r 820 19 comam s. munditiis 348 8 veritatis s. oratio '.821 16 Simplicitas-inerat tamen s 105 15 Simplicitae-Sister S. sing a song. .717 16 Simplicities-grave s. a dress 33 14 Simplicity-daisy's for s 155 16 elegant as s 98 23 in s. a child 103 7 in low s. he lends out money.. .355 3 is not the rage 32 19 Jeffersonian s 194 19 makes s. a grace 77 8, 552 2 possessed s. and liberality 105 15 sweet s. of three per cents 522 7 talks of pies 483 18 tongue-tied s 478 23 to s. resigns her charge 880 5 truth miscall'd s 822 3 see also Simplicity p. 710 Simpulo-fluctus in a 754 1 Sin-bellows blows up s 276 18 be ye angry and a. not 27 17 blossoms of my s 176 6 bright, beautiful s 418 9 by that s. fell the angels 21 12 careless of the damning s 563 16 Charity and not s 406 24 confess thee freely of thy a. 129 l devil made s 644 4 ere s. could blight 229 18 ere s. threw a blight 173 1 falter not for s 447 7 find so much of s 102 9 folly into s 284 27 forgive what seem'd my s 838 26 for me to sit and grin 355 14 for one so weak 607 5 foulest whelp of S. 714 22 free from a 100 13 good hate s. because 836 24 Has many tools 486 3 his darlings, is pride 380 20 His hate of s 362 9 hold it half as 907 5 in loving virtue 785 2 last S. surprise thee 36 13 leave the s. of taking vainly. ..342 8 mirth, but not the s 755 6 no merchandise of s 704 6 no a. but to be rich 65 12 no s. love's fruits to steal 148 20 no voice of s 920 12 of what may be forgiven 464 8 outward shell of s 229 15 patched with s 838 20 pieroing pain, a killing s. 628 17 poverty is no a 620 23 rest from s. promptings 425 9 sad for the good man s s 26 6 safe from s/s pollution 389 5 Satan, Death and S 229 1 sleep doth a, glut 721 7 smacking of every s 104 14 sorrow as he was from s 888 19 sorrow eldest child of s 736 9 such a s. to paint 157 17 that amends is patched 838 20 that neither God nor man 289 4 their own kisses s 419 4 'tis no s. for man to labour — 425 15 to covet honour 144 26 to falter would be s 674 18 to feel no s 131 6 to me unknown 50 16 to swear unto as 564 1 'twas half a s. to sit upon 484 24 vile a s. as self-neglecting 697 14 weeds of a 911 20 whene'er he stoops to s 665 16 wherewith Face of Han 288 21 who tell us Love can die 481 3 whoever plots the s 571 17 see also Sin pp. 710-712 Sinai-and find'st not S 664 1 at S.'s foot the Giver 779 14 Prophet descending from S 770 4 Sinais-climb and know it not 532 20 Sineere-if Hero mean s. man 365 1 thefalses 581 7 to himself s. 298 8 Sincerest-surely they're s 98 3 Sincerity-of philosophers 596 26 wrought in a sad s 40 6 see also Sincerity p. 712 Sinew-and s. to literature 877 13 bracing bugle 220 is Sinews-anger is one of the s 27 19 I had rather crack my s 374 25 money the s. of the state 853 14 money the s. of war 844 17 of affairs are cut 522 6 of business 521 19 of concord 497 2 of good sense 698 1 of new-born babe 628 2 ofvirtue 839 3 of war are two metals 848 9 wealth that s. bought 715 14 Sinful-confine the Bad and S 563 10 man beneath the sky 20 5 sin to keep a s . oath 564 1 we are all s. 711 23 Sing-and a myself 106 9 and witty poets s 498 18 as he tackled the thing 760 7 at St. Ann's our parting 75 4 away, ay, s. away 89 14 because I must 460 25 before the robber 621 12 bow, when he did a 539 is but as the linnets a. 460 26 by turns 356 9 caged nightingales do a 540 4 cease to s 52 12 charms and a man la 488 17 dost so heavenly s 592 12 doth most sweetly s 427 15 for faith and hope are high 471 14 free to s. and play 536 19 have me a and play 538 11 he'd 'eard men a by land 599 5 here tile f oules a 77 3 Hullahbaloo 67 15 if she should s. by day 558 16 into his hollow ear 52 2 it as we used to s. it 733 17 it loud and long 732 7 it not in mournful numbers.. .445 1 it to her bones 234 11 let us. s-, long live king 6S3 18 like a lady 56 8 man can pipe or s 759 21 more merrily than before 773 14 my true love all below 466 17 now the lusty song 51 16 on my business abrode 868 17 on, O thrush 790 16 out my soul 409 8 reminiscence s 509 16 saddest when Is 535 16 self-taught I s 603 1 strove to s. her free 609 4 swan-like let me s 772 17 tell of all I fain would s 678 8 that's what they s 552 12