And hands that wist not though they dug a grave,
Undid the hasps of gold, and drank, and gave,
And he drank after, a deep glad kingly draught:
And all their life changed in them, for they quaffed
Death; if it be death so to drink, and fare
As men who change and are what these twain were.
Swinburne—Tristram of Lyonesse. The Sailing of the Swallow. L. 789.
| note =
| topic =
| page = 179
{{Hoyt quote
| num =
| text = <poem>Honesta mors turpi vita potior.
An honorable death is better than a dishonorable life.
Tacitus—Agrkola. XXXIII.
Trust not your own powers till the day of your death.
Talmud—Aboth. 2.
Death is not rare, alas! nor burials few,
And soon the grassy coverlet of God
Spreads equal green above their ashes pale.
Bayard Taylor—The Picture of St. John.
Bk. III. St. 84.
| author =
| work =
| place =
| note =
| topic =
| page =
{{Hoyt quote
| num = 5
| text = He that would die well must always look for
death, every day knocking at the gates of the
grave; and then the gates of the grave shall never
prevail upon him to do him mischief.
Jeremy Taylor—Holy Dying. Ch. II. Pt. I.
But! for the touch of a vanish'd hand,
And the sound of a voice that is still!
| author = Tennyson
| work = Break, Break, Break.
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar
When I put out to sea.
| author = Tennyson
| work = Crossing the Bar.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell
When I embark.
| author = Tennyson
| work = Crossing the Bar.
For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.
| author = Tennyson
| work = Crossing the Bar.
| seealso = (See also {{sc|Harte)
The great world's altar-stairs
That slope thro'darkness up to God.
| author = Tennyson
| work = In Memariam. Pt. LV.
li Death has made
His darkness beautiful with thee.
| author = Tennyson
| work = In Memariam. LXXIV.
God's finger touched him, and he slept.
| author = Tennyson
| work = In Memoriam. LXXXV.
The night comes on that knows not morn,
When I shall cease to be all alone,
To live forgotten, and love forlorn.
| author = Tennyson
| work = Mariana in the South. Last
Whatever crazy sorrow saith,
No life that breathes with human breath
Has ever truly long'd for death.
| author = Tennyson
| work = Two Voices. St. 132.
Dead men bite not.
Theodotus, when counselling the death of
Pompey. See Plutarch—Life of Pompey.
Et "Bene," discedens dicet, "placideque quiescas;
Terraque secure sit super ossa levis."
And at departure he will say, "Mayest thou
rest soundly and quietly, and may the light
turf lie easy on thy bones."
Tibullus—Carmina. II. 4. 49.
I hear a voice you cannot hear,
Which says, I must not stay;
I see a hand you cannot see,
Which beckons me away.
Tickell—Colin and Lucy.
These taught us how to live; and (oh, too high
The price for knowledge!) taught us how to die.
Tickell—Onthe Death of Mr. Addison. L. 81.
| seealso = (See also Porteus)
| topic =
| page =
{{Hoyt quote
| num =
| text = <poem>I believe if I should die,
And you should kiss my eyelids where I lie
Cold, dead, and dumb to afl the world contains,
The folded orbs would open at thy breath,
And from its exile in the Isles of Death
Life would come gladly back along my veins.
Mary Ashley Townsend—Love's Belief.
| topic =
| page =
{{Hoyt quote
| num =
| text = <poem>Go thou, deceased, to this earth which is a
mother, and spacious and kind. May her touch
be soft like that of wool, or a young woman, and
may she protect thee from the depths of destruction. Rise above him, O Earth, do not press
painfully on him, give him good things, give him
consolation, as a mother covers her child with
her cloth, cover thou him.
Vedic Funeral Bite. Quoted in New York
Times on the death of "Buffalo Bill."
Venit summa dies et ineluctabile tempus.
The supreme day has come and the inevitable hour.
VERGnj—JEneid. II. 324. Same in Lucan.
VII. 197.
Vixi, et quern dederat cursum fortuna, peregi:
Et nunc magna mei sub terras currit imago.
I have lived, and I have run the course which
fortune allotted me; and now my shade shall
descend illustrious to the grave.
Vergil—/Eneid. IV. 653.
Irreameabilis unda.
The wave from which there is no return [the
river Styx].
Vergil—/Eneid. VI. 425.
Usque adeone mori miserum est?
Is it then so sad a thing to die?
Vergil—Æneid. XII. 646.