Qui me amat, amet et canem meum.
Who loves me will love my dog also.
Mother of dead dogs.
On the green banks of Shannon, when Sheelah was nigh,
No blithe Irish lad was so happy as I;
No harp like my own could so cheerily play,
And wherever I went was my poor dog Tray.
His faithful dog salutes the smiling guest.
It is nought good a sleeping hound to wake.
A living dog is better than a dead lion.
Old dog Tray's ever faithful;
Grief can not drive him away;
He is gentle, he is kind—
I shall never, never find
A better friend than old dog Tray!
And in that town a dog was found,
As many dogs there be,
Both mongrel, puppy, whelp and hound,
And curs of low degree.
Plus on apprend a connaître l'homme, plus on apprend à estimer le chien.
The more one comes to know men, the more one comes to admire the dog.
Is thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing?
There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
But when we are certain of sorrow in store
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and sisters I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.
Plus je vois des représentants du peuple, plus j'aime mes chiens.
The more I see the representatives of the people, the more I love my dogs.
Qui m'aime il aime mon chien.
Who loves me loves my dog.
But in some canine Paradise
Your wraith, I know, rebukes the moon,
And quarters every plain and hill,
Seeking its master. * * * As for me
This prayer at least the gods fulfill
That when I pass the flood and see
Old Charon by Stygian coast
Take toll of all the shades who land,
Your little, faithful barking ghost
May leap to lick my phantom hand.
The dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
Whosoever loveth me loveth my hound.
The dog is turned to his own vomit again.
To be, contents his natural desire,
He asks no angel's wing, no seraph's fire;
But thinks, admitted to that equal sky,
His faithful dog shall bear him company.
Go wiser thou! and in thy scale of sense
Weigh thy opinion against Providence.
I am his Highness' dog at Kew;
Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?
Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends.
Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet.
The cowardly dog barks more violently than it bites.
I have a dog of Blenheim birth,
With fine long ears and full of mirth;
And sometimes, running o'er the plain,
He tumbles on his nose:
But quickly jumping up again,
Like lightning on he goes!