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Sea Bird, 694.
Seasons, 694.
Secrecy, 695.
- Curiosity.
- Silence.
- Strategy.
Self-esteem, see
- Self-love.
Self-examination, 696.
- Confession.
- Conscience.
- Reflection.
Selfishness, 696.
- Conceit.
- Pride.
- Self-love.
Self-love, 697.
- Conceit.
- Pride.
- Selfishness.
- Vanity.
Sense; Senses, 697.
- Feeling.
- Instinct.
- Judgment.
- Mind.
- Perception.
- Reason.
Sensibility; Sentiment, 698.
- Feeling.
- Influence.
- Instinct.
- Sense; Senses.
- Sympathy.
- Taste.
Sensitive Plant, 698.
September, 698.
Serenity, see
- Calmness.
- Peace.
- Repose.
- Rest.
Service, 699.
- Duty.
- Help.
- Kindness.
- Philanthropy.
- Royalty.
Shadows, 699.
- Clouds.
- Darkness.
- Evening.
- Futurity.
- Night.
- Obscurity.
Shakespeare, 700.
- Acting.
- Authorship.
- Plagiarism.
- Poetry.
- Poets.
- Quotation.
Shame, 702.
- Blushes.
- Conscience.
- Disgrace.
- Guilt.
- Honor.
- Modesty.
Shamrock, 702.
Sheep, 702.
Ships, 703.
- Boating.
- Navigation.
- Navy.
- Ocean.
- Shipwreck.
- Water.
Shipwreck, 704.
- Boating.
- Navigation.
- Ocean.
- Ships.
- Storm.
- Water.
Shoemaking, 705.
- Apparel.
- Foot.
Sickness, 706.
- Cure.
- Disease.
- Health.
- Medicine.
- Mind.
- Physician.
- Weakness.
- Wounds.
Sighs, 707.
- Desolation.
- Grief.
- Heart.
- Love.
- Sorrow.
Sight, 707.
- Blindness.
- Eyes.
- Observation.
- Perception.
Silence, 707.
- Peace.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Solitude.
- Speech.
Simplicity, 710.
- Appearance.
- Babyhood.
- Childhood.
- Credulity.
- Fashion.
- Innocence.
- Manners.
- Youth.
Sin, 710.
- Crime.
- Evil.
- Faults.
- Guilt.
- Vice.
- Wickedness.
Sincerity, 712.
- Candor.
- Fidelity.
- Honesty.
- Truth.
Singing, 712.
- Ballads.
- Music.
- Song.
Sky, The, 713.
- Astronomy.
- Aurora.
- Clouds.
- Heaven.
- Moon.
- Shadows.
- Storm.
- Sunrise.
- Sunset.
- Thunder.
- Twilight.
Slander, 714.
- Calumny.
- Gossip.
- Lying.
- Rumor.
- Satire.
- Scandal.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Tongues.
- Words.
Slavery, 715.
- Equality.
- Freedom.
- Independence.
- Labor.
- Liberty.
- Right; Rights.
Sleep, 716.
- Death.
- Dreams.
- Midnight.
- Night.
- Repose.
- Rest.
Sloe, 721.
Smiles, 721.
- Dimples.
- Face.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Laughter.
- Merriment.
- Smoking, see
- Tobacco.
Sneer, 722.
- Contempt.
- Satire.
- Scorn.
Snow, 723.
- Winter.
Snow-Drop, 723.
Society, 724.
- Fashion.
- Life.
- Manners.
- Scandal.
- World, The.
Soldiers, 725.
- Audacity.
- Courage.
- Daring.
- Heroes.
- Navy.
- Peace.
- Valor.
- War.
- Youth.
- Zeal.
Solitude, 729.
- Desolation.
- Fear.
- Nature.
- Obscurity.
- Repose.
- Rest.
- Silence.
Song, 732.
- Ballads.
- Music.
- Poetry.
- Poets.
- Singing.
Sorrow, 733.
- Affliction.
- Disappointment.
- Grief.
- Melancholy.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Pain.
- Regret.
- Remorse.
- Sadness.
- Sighs.
- Tears.
- Trials.
- Trouble.
- Woe.
Soul, The, 736.
- Heart.
- Immortality.
- Intellect.
- Life.
- Mind.,
- Mortality.
Sound, 740.
- Echo.
- Hearing.
- Listening.
- Silence.
- Thunder.
- Voice.