Temperance, 783.
- Drinking.
- Eating.
- Festivities.
- Intemperance.
- Moderation.
- Water.
- Wine and Spirits.
Temptation, 784.
- Crime.
- Devil.
- Example.
- Guilt.
- Vice.
- Wickedness.
Teviot (River), 785.
Thames (River), 785.
Thankfulness, 785.
- Gifts.
- Gratitude.
Thanksgiving Day, 785.
- Autumn.
- Harvest.
- Holidays.
- Thankfulness.
Theology, see
- Belief.
- Church.
- Christ.
- Christianity.
- Doctrine.
- Easter.
- Prayer.
- Religion.
- Superstition.
- Worship.
Thieving, 786.
- Crime.
- Justice.
- Law.
- Punishment.
Thirst, see
- Drinking.
- Intemperance.
- Temperance.
- Water.
- Wine and Spirits.
Thistle, 787.
Thorn, 787.
Thought, 787.
- Consideration.
- Contemplation.
- Discretion.
- Imagination.
- Intellect.
- Meditation.
- Memory.
- Mind.
- Reason.
- Reflection.
- Silence.
- Wisdom.
Thrush, 790.
Thunder, 791.
- Clouds.
- Sky.
- Storm.
Thyme, 791.
Tiber (River), 791.
- Italy.
- Rome.
Tides, 791.
- Moon.
- Ocean.
- Water.
Tiger, 792.
Time, 792.
- Delay.
- Eternity.
- Futurity.
- Haste.
- Idleness.
- Leisure.
- Fidelity.
- Memory.
- Honor.
- Past, The.
- To-day.
- Sincerity.
- Wisdom.
- To-morrow.
Toasts, 801.
- Drinking.
Tobacco, 803.
To-day, 806.
- Past, The.
- Time.
- To-morrow.
To-morrow, 806.
- Futurity.
- Past.
- Time.
- To-day.
Tongue, 808.
- Conversation.
- Eloquence.
- Language.
- Oratory.
- Silence.
- Speech.
- Talk.
- Words.
Tonsorial, see
- Barber.
- Hair.
Trade, see
- Business.
- Occupations.
Traveling, 809.
- Countries.
- Navigation.
- Ocean.
- Ships.
- Shipwreck.
Treachery; Treason, 811.
- Crime.
- Deceit.
- Government.
- Hypocrisy.
- Lying.
- Rebellion.
- Royalty.
- Tyranny.
- War.
Trees and Plants, 812.
Trials, 814.
- Affliction.
- Experience.
- Impossibility.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Sorrow.
- Suffering.
- Trifles.
- Trouble.
- Woe.
Trifles, 815.
Trouble, 816.
- Affliction.
- Misery.
- Misfortune.
- Sorrow.
- Trials.
- Woe
Trust, 816.
- Anticipation.
- Belief.
- Confidence.
- Credit.
- Expectation.
- Faith.
- Hope.
Trust, Public, 817.
- Bribery.
- Corruption.
- Government.
- Politics.
Truth, 818
- Belief
- Constancy.
- Fidelity.
- Honor.
- Sincerity.
- Wisdom.
Tuberose, 822.
Tulip, 822.
Tulip-Tree, 823.
Turkey; The Turks, 823.
Twilight, 823.
- Clouds.
- Evening.
- Light.
- Morning.
- Sky, The.
- Stars.
- Sunset.
Tyranny, 825.
- Cruelty.
- Politics.
- Rebellion.
- Revolution.
- Royalty.
- War.
Ugliness, see
- Appearance.
Umbrella, 826.
- Rain.
Unbelief, 826.
- Distrust,
- Doubt.
- Suspicion.
Uncertainty, 826
- Distrust.
- Doubt.
Understanding, see
- Intellect.
- Knowledge.
- Learning.
- Mind.
- Wisdom.
Undertakers, 827.
- Death.
- Grave.
Unhappiness, see
- Disappointment.
- Discontent.
- Dissatisfaction.
- Misery.
- Pain.
- Sadness.
- Sorrow.
- Suffering.
- Woe.
Unity, 827.
- Agreement.
- Equality.
- Government.
- Liberty.
- Matrimony.
Unkindness, 828
- Cruelty.
- Deceit.
- Neglect.
Valentines, 828.
- Post.
Valor, 829.
- Audacity.
- Bravery.
- Courage.
- Fortitude.
- Heroes.
- Soldiers.
- War.
Value, 829.
- Worth.
Vanity, 829.
- Apparel.