Now musing o'er the changing scene
Farmers behind the tavern screen
Collect; with elbows idly press'd
On hob, reclines the corner's guest,
Reading the news to mark again
The bankrupt lists or price of grain.
Puffing the while his red-tipt pipe
He dreams o'er troubles nearly ripe,
Yet, winter's leisure to regale,
Hopes better times, and sips his ale.
Along the varying road of life,
In calm content, in toil or strife,
At mom or noon, by night or day,
As time conducts mm on his way,
How oft doth man, by care oppressed,
Find in an Tnn a place of rest.
Where'er his fancy bids him roam,
In ev'ry Inn he finds a home—
* * * * *
Will not an Inn his cares beguile,
Where on each face he sees a smile?
Where you have friends you should not go to
George Eliot—Agatha.
There is nothing which has yet been contrived
by man, by which so much happiness is produced
as by a good tavern or inn.
| author = Samuel Johnson
| work = BoswelVs Life of Johnson.
| topic =
| page =
{{Hoyt quote
| num =
| text = <poem>Souls of poets dead and gone,
What Elysium have ye known,
Happy field or mossy cavern,
Choicer than the Mermaid Tavern?
Keats—Mermaid Tavern.
The atmosphere
Breathes rest and comfort and the many chambers
Seem full of welcomes.
| author = Longfellow
| work = Masque of Pandora. Pt. V.
L. 33.
A region of repose it seems,
A place of slumber and of dreams. •
| author = Longfellow
| work = Tales of a Wayside Inn. Pt. I.
Prelude. L. 18.
In the worst inn's worst room, with mat half
Pope-—Moral Essays. Ep. 3. L. 299.
1 not take mine ease in mine inn?
I IV. Pt.I. Act III. Sc. 3. L. 92.
The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day:
Now spurs the lated traveler apace
To gam the timely inn.
Macbeth. Act III. Sc. 3. L. 7.
Whoe'er has travel'd life's dull round,
Where'er his stages may have been,
May sigh to think he still has found
The warmest welcome, at an inn.
Shenstone!—Written at an Inn at Henley.
Different version in Dodslet's Collection.
| seealso = (See also {{sc|Combe)
What care if the day
Be turned to gray,
What care if the night come soon!
We may choose the pace
Who bow for grace,
At the Inn of the Silver Moon.
Herman Knickerbocker Viele—The Good
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower:
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
E'en drunken Andrew felt the blow
That innocence can give,
When its resistless accents flow
To bid affection live.
Bloomfield—The Drunken Father. St. 18.
O mon Dieu, conserve-moi innocente, donne la
grandeur aux autres!
O God, keep me innocent; make others great!
Caroline Matilda—Scratched on a window of the Castle Fredericksburg, Denmark.
As innocent as a new-laid egg.
W. S. Gilbert—Engaged. Act I.
An age that melts with unperceiv'd decay,
And glides in modest innocence away.
| author = Samuel Johnson
| work = Vanity of Human Wishes.
L. 293.
On devient innocent quand on est malheureux.
We become innocent when we are unfortunate.
La Fontaine—Nymphes de Vaux.
What can innocence hope for,
When such as sit her judges are corrupted!
| author = Massinger
| work = Maid of Honor. Act V. Sc. 2.
He's armed without that's innocent within.
| author = Pope
| work = Epistles of Horace. Ep. I. Bk. I. L.
Mais Pinnocence enfin n'a rien a redouter.
But innocence has nothing to dread.
Racine—Phedre. III. 6.
Quam angusta innocentia est, ad legem bonum
What narrow innocence it is for one to be
good only according to the law.
Seneca—De Ira. II. 27.
O, take the sense, sweet, of my innocence,
Love takes the meaning in love's conference.
Midsummer Night's Dream. Act II. Sc. 2.
L. 45.