Quantum ealiginis mentibus nostris objicit magna felicitas!
How much does great prosperity overspread the mind with darkness.
Semel profecto premere feliees deus
Civm coepit, urget; hos habent magna exitus.
When God has once begun to throw down
the prosperous, He overthrows them altogether: such is the end of the mighty.
Seneca—Hercules (Ekeus. 713.
There shall be in England seven halfpenny
loaves sold for a penny: the three-hooped pot
shall have ten hoops; and I will make it felony
to drink small beer.
Henry VI. Pt. II. Act IV. Sc. 2. L. 70.
Prosperity's the very bond of love.
Winter's Tale. Act W. Sc. 4. L. 584.
| author =
| work =
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| topic = Proverbs
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| text = La prosperity fait peu d'amis.
Prosperity makes few friends.
Vadvenabgues—Reflexions. XVII.
Prosperity doth bewitch men, seeming clear;
As seas do laugh, show white, when rocks are
John Webster—White Devil. Act V. Sc. 6.
Oh, how portentous is prosperity!
How comet-like, it threatens while it shines.
Young—Night Thoughts. Night V. L. 915.
PROVERBS (Introduction)
I'll tell the names and sayings and the places of
their birth,
Of the seven great ancient sages so renowned on
Grecian earth,
The Lindian Cleobulus said, "The mean was still
the best";
The Spartan Chilo, "Know thyself," a heavenborn phrase confessed.
Corinthian Periander taught "Our anger to
"Too much of nothing," Pittacus, from MityIene's strand;
Athenian Solon this advised, "Look to the end
of life,"
And Bias from Priene showed, "Bad men are the
most rife";
Milesian Thales urged that "None should e'er a
surety be";
Few were their words, but if you look, you'll
much in little see.
From the Greek. Author unknown.
Know thyself.—Solon.
Consider the end.—Chilo.
Know thy opportunity.—Pittacus.
Most men are bad.—Bias.
Nothing is impossible to industry.—Periander.
Avoid excess.—Cleobulus.
Suretyship is the precursor of ruin.—Thales.
Mottoes of the Seoen Wise Men of Greece. Inscribed in later days in the Delphian Temple.
The genius, wit, and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.
Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long
and wise experience.
| author = Cervantes
| work = Don Quixote.
| place =
No hay refran que no sea verdadero.
There is no proverb which is not true.
| author = Cervantes
| work = Don Quixote.
| place =
As Love and I late harbour'd in one inn,
With proverbs thus each other entertain:
"In love there is no lack," thus I begin;
"Fair words make fools," replieth he again;
"Who spares to speak doth spare to speed,"
quoth I;
"As well," saith he, "too forward as too slow";
"Fortune assists the boldest," I reply;
"A hasty man," quoth he, "ne'er wanted woe";
"Labour is light where love," quoth I," doth
Saith he, "Light burden's heavy, if far borne";
Quoth I, "The main lost, cast the by away";
"Yhave spun a fair thread," he replies in scorn.
And having thus awhile each other thwarted
Fools as we met, so fools again we parted.
Michael Drayton—Proverbs.
Proverbs like the sacred books of each nation,
are the sanctuary of the intuitions.
Much matter decocted into few words.
Fuller—Definition of a proverb. Worthies.
Ch. II.
A proverb and a byword among all people.
/ Kings. LX. 7.
Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations.
Sir J. Mackintosh. Quoted on the title page
of Broom's Legal Maxims. (191 1)
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{{Hoyt quote
| num =
| text = <poem>This formal fool, your man, speaks naught but
And speak men what they can to him he'll
With some rhyme, rotten sentence, or old saying,
Such spokes as ye ancient of ye parish use.
Henry Porter—The Proverb Monger. From
Two Angry Women of Abindon.
A proverb is one man's wit and all men 's wisdom.
Lord John Russell. In Notes to Roger's
Italy. (1848) Claimed by him as his original
definition of a proverb.
Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked.
I Samuel. XXIV. 13. Said to be the oldest
proverb on record.
I can tell thee where that saying was born.
Twelfth Night. Act I. Sc. 5. L. 9.
Scoundrel maxim.
Thomson—The Castle of Indolence. Canto I.
St. 50.