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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/993

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More, Hannah, writer. .England, 1745-1833 102 128 173 255 268 276 311 347 370 404 414 485 599 601 627 685 709 828 892 Moke, Paul Elmer, editor, author, 345 United States, 1864-L. More, Sir Thomas, wit, philosopher, and statesman . . . . England, 1480-1535

186 199 232 272 361 493 526 

Moreau, Jean V. M., general, 859 France, 1763-1813 Morell, Thomas, D.D., scholar and 366 critic England, 1703-1784 Morpord, Henry, poet, author, 852 United States, 1823-1881 Morgan, Lady 561 Morley, Christopher D., editor, 218 dramatist, writer of sketches and stories, United States, 1890-L. Morley, John, Viscount, author, statesman England, 1838-L.

636 848 

Morris, Charles, soldier, song- 82 462 writer England, 1745-1838 Morris, George P., lyric poet and journalist.. .United States, 1802-1864

827 872 

Morris, Lewis, British poet, 208 761 Wales, 1835-1907 Morris, William, poet. .England, 1834-1896

124 302 449 494 718 790 905 

Morte, d'Abthub (see also Malory, 144 Sib Thomas). Mortimer, Thomas, economist, mis- 651 cellaneous writer, "British Plutarch" England, 1730-1810 Morton, Thomas, dramatist, England, 1764-1838

624 724 

Morysin (Morison), Sir Richard, 639 diplomatist, political writer, —1556 Moss, Thomas, clergyman and poet, 65 595 England, 1740-1808 Motherwell, William, poet, Scotland, 1798-1835 418 475 546 781 790 Motte, Antoine Houdart de la, 81 critic and dramatist, France, 1672-1731 Motteux, Peter Antoine, French- 21 English dramatist,translator,1663-1718 Mottoes: 463 American Copyright League, 786 Cambridge University, 455 House motto, 370 Seven Wise Men, 638 Sun Dials, 767 Winchester College, 437 Moulton, Louise Chandler, poet, 39 173 United States, 1835-1908 M. R. C. S., in Anzac, (1919) 728 Muhlenberg, William Augustus, 449 clergyman and poet, United States, 1796-1877 Muis, Cobneille, Bishop of Bitoute, 152 Muller, Fred. Max, English classical 529 scholar, scientist, philologist, Orientalist Germany, 1823-1900 Muller, Ntkt.as, printer and poet, 278 Germany, 1809-1875 Mulock, Dinah Maria, see Mrs. Craik. Munby, Arthur James, poet, 509 901 England, 1828-1910 mijnch-bellinghausen, e. f. j., 464 "Friedrich Halm," poet and dramatist Germany, 1806-1871 Munsteb, Ernest F. H., Count von, 534 Hannoverian statesman 1766-1839 Murphy, Arthur, dramatic and miscellaneous writer, Ireland, about 1727-1805 549 738 795 884 Murphy, Robert Xavier, editor, 524 Orientalist Ireland, 1803( -4)-1857 Murray, David Christie, novelist, 347 journalist England, 1847-1907 Musarum Delicle, or the Muses' Recreation. Compiled by Sir John Mennes, published -1655 611 641 843 Musset, Louis Chas. Alfred de, poet, novelist, dramatist, France, 1810-1857 673 734 920 N Nadaud, Gustave, French writer, 89 musician, and singer 1820-1893 Naihne, Lady Caroline Oliphant, poet Scotland, 1766-1845

273 361 718 892 

NAOGEORGirs, see Kirchmayer, Thomas. Napier, Sir W. F. P., general and historian Ireland, 1785-1860

463 728 

Napoleon Bonaparte (I) Emperor of France Corsica, 1769(8)-1821

63 213 387 402 408 495 525 

561 612 622 672 674 728 815 852 905 Napoleon III., Chables Louis, Emperor of France Feance, 1808-1873

796 852 

Nash (Nashe), Thomas, author, satirist England, 1567-1601(?)

639 640 

Neal, Alice Beadley, see Haven, Alice. Neale, John Mason, hymnologist 70 210 and ecclesiastical historian, England, 1818-1866 Neander (Neumann), Michael, phi- 224 lologist Germany, 1525-1595 Neaves, Charles Lord, author, England, 1800-1876 242 862 892 Necker, Madame Susanne Curchod, leader in literary circles, Switzerland, 1739-1794 197 676 Neidhart von Neuenthal, "Niihen" 747 or "Nithart," minnesinger and lyric poet Germany, 13th Century Neihardt, John G., critic, writer, 732 United States, 1881-L. Nelligan, Emile, poet. . .Canada, 723 Nelson, Horatio, naval hero and admiral England, 1758-1805


Nepos, Cornelius, Roman author st Cent. B.C. 166 271 591 845 Nero, Claudius Cesar, tyrant, prof- 678 ligate, Roman emperor 37-68 Nesbit, Wilbur D., poet, England, 1871-L. 275 508 722 Nethehsole, Sib Francis, Sec. of 592 State England, 1587-1659 Neumann, Hermann 358 Newboldt, Henry J., poet, England, 1862-L. 23 341 371 550 852 New Custom Morality (1573) 385 Newell, Peter (Sheaf Heksey), humorist, writer, illustrator, United States, 1862-L. 280 538