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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/995

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Owen, Robert, philanthropist, so- 120 oialist Scotland, 1771-1858 OXENSTIEBNA, COUNT AXEL VON, dip- 333 lomat Sweden, 1583-1654 Oxford, Edward (Lord), See Verb, db. Pacuvtus, Marcus, Roman tragic poet, 586 Italy, about B.C. 220-129 "Page, H. A.," see Japp, Alexander Hay. Paget, Catesby 114 Paine, Robert Treat, poet, 716 United States, 1773-1811 Paine, Thomas, political writer and free thinker England, 1737-1809

674 853 861 

Palafox, Jose db, Duke of Saragossa, 853 -1847 Paleotti, Gabriel, cardinal, writer, 118 Italy, 1524-1597 Paley, William, theologian and phil- 722 osopher England, 1743-1805 Palgrave, Francis Turner, poet, 915 critic England, 1824-1897 Palingenius, Marcus S. (Manzolli), Italian physician of 16th Cent.


Palladas, epigrammatist 449 564 Greece, about a.d. 450 Palmer, John Williamson, physi- 826 cian, author. United States. 1825-1896 Palmerston, Henr yJohn Temple, 120 853 viscount, statesman, England, 1784-1865 Panet, Chevalier de, mariner, 436 France, 1762-1834 Pannonius, Janus (Joannes Je- 233 singe) Hungary, 1434-1472 Pardoe, Julia, historian, 358 685 novelist England, 1806-1862 Park, Andrew, poet Scotland, 1807-1863

Parker, Edward G., 573 United States, 1825-1868 Parker, Edward Hazen, physician, 669 writer United States, 1823-1896 Parker, Martyn, poet. . .England, died 1656

549 646 685 873 

Parker, Theodore, scholar and theologian United States, 1810-1860

102. 333 919 

Parnell, Charles Stewart, poli- 731 tician Ireland, 1846-1891 Parnell, Thomas, poet. .Ireland, 1679-l7l7 173 475 493 598 731 797 892 Parr, Mrs., novelist England, 1828-1900

Parrott, Henry, epigrammatist, 511 England, living in 1626 Parsons, Thomas W., poet, 52 United States, 1819-1892 Pasqal, Blaise, philosopher, geometrician and writer... France, 1623-1662 66 186 220 352 393 405 449 490 520 569 596 616 618 652 675 697 743 789 815 821 905 915 Pasquier, Etienne, lawyer, histo- 400 741 rian France, 1529-1615 Pasquin. A name derived from An- 402 tonio Pasquino, a wit of Rome, variously cited as a barber, cobbler, tailor, or teacher, before whose dwelling-place there was found, in 1501, a mutilated fragment of an ancient group of statuary. _ This was set up near the Piazza Navona in Rome, and since the 16th century it has been famous for the lampoons or pasquinades pasted upon it. Patmore, Coventry, poet, England, 1823-1896 418 475 498 512 538 892 901 Patricius, Bishop of GaBta, about a.d. 450(?)

Patten (Patin), William, historian, 910 England, living 1548-1580 Paul, Grand due, 754 Russia, 1754-1801 Paul III., Pope Allessandro Far- 363 nese, convoked the Council of Trent, excommunicated Henry VIII Italy, 1468-1549 Paulinus, Pontius Meropius, Saint, 115 Bishop of Nola . . France, about 353-43 1 Paulus, jEmilius, see ^Imilius Paulus Pawlett, Sir Amice (Paulet, Sir 353 Amyas), keeper of Mary Queen of Scots about 1536-1588 Paxton, Dr. John Randolph, clergy- 761 man United States, 1843-L. Payn, James, novelist. ..England, 1830-1898

Payne, John Howard, actor and dra- 371 matic poet and song writer. United States, 1792-1852 Payne, Perry Somers 709 Payson, Mrs. Sarah ("Fanny Fern