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Page:Hudibras - Volume 2 (Butler, Nash, Bohn; 1859).djvu/332

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Rules, how derived, 132

Rump Parliament, patents granted by, 50, n. 1; alluded to, 337 and n. 3; proceedings of the, 380 and n. 1; some account of the, 390. n. 2.

Rumps, burning of the, 392, n. 2.

Rupert, Prince, 105, n. 1; his drop described, 188, n. 3.

Russel, Sir William, Life, i.

Rye, 284.

Ryves, Dr Bruno, 14, n. 2.

Sabines, rape of the, 431 and n. 3; 432, n. 2, 3.

Sacrilege, 353 and n. 1.

Sacrum, 390 and n. 1.

St Dunstan, 236; particulars respecting, 236, n. 4.

St Francis, his stoicism under female temptation, 149, n. 7.

St George and the Dragon, 54, n. 4.

St Ignatius, 351 and n. 6.

St Martin's beads, 438 and n. 2.

St Paul's, Covent Garden, Butler buried at. Life, xiii; monument to his memory in, xiv.

Saints, 62 and n. 4; privilege of, 176, 177; scandals of the, 319 and n. 4; if named from blood, 322 and n. 3; surnames of, 340 and n. 3; precious and secret, 356 and n. 2; their houses and employments in heaven, 427, n. 1.

Saints' bell, 310, n. 1.

Salique law, 448 and n. 2.

Salt, cast on a woman's tail, 146 and n. 3.

Saltinbancho, 254 and n. 2.

Samson, his heart-breakers, 15.

Sancho-Panza, tossed in a blanket, 75 and n. 2.

Sand-bags, fight with, 329 and n. 2.

Sandys, remark of, 52, n. 2.

Sapiens dominabitur astris, explained, 29, n. 1.

Saturn, the god of time, 233 and n. 4.

Satyre Menipinée, Life, xx.

Scaliger, 219 and n. 1.

Sceptics, theory of the, 191 and n. 1.

School divines, satire upon, 10, n. 4.

Schweidnitz, the siege of, 52, n. 4.

Scire facias, 305 and n. 2; 328.

Sconce, enchanted, 275 and n. 4.

Scorpion's oil, 368 and n. 2.

Scots, declaration of the, 64, n. 1; to be treated like witches, 136, n. 1; their expeditions. 378 and n. 3, 4.

Scout, 278 and n. 4.

Screen-fans, 243 and n. 3.

Scrimansky. 52.

Scripture, interpretation of. 181 and n. 3.

Secrecy, obligation of, 152 and n. 2.

Sedgwick, a fanatical preacher, 231 and n. 3.

Seekers and Muggletonians, 183, n. 1.

Selden, his Marmora Arundelliana, Life, iv; his opinion regarding America, 44, n. 2.

Semiramis, the first maker of eunuchs, 162 and n. 2.

Set, 290; meaning of the word, 290, n. 4.

Setter, 441; definition of the term, 441. n. 3.

Shaftesbury, A. A. Cooper, Earl of, 342. n. 2; particulars respecting, 342, n. 3; his duplicity, 342, n. 4.

Shakspeare, allusions to his Plays, 19, n. 4; 78, n. 2; 90, n. 2; 95, n. 4; 131, n. 2; 135, n. 2; 136, n. 1, 2; 1.38, n. 2; 147, n. 3; 153, n. 2; 159 and n. 1; 160, n. 1; 195, n. 3; 205. n. 3; 2 16, n. 2; 248, n. 3; 252; 259, n. 2, 4; 274 and n. 3; 280, n. 1; 293, n. 3; 301 and n. 2; 317, n. 3; 343 and n. 4; 349 and n. 1; 366, n. 4; 399, n. 1; 419 and n. 1, 2.

Sherfield, Mr, mortgages his estate, 321 and n. 4.

Shooting at the moon, Des Cartes' notion about, 230, n. 2.

Shoe-tie, 275 and n. 1.

Shrews, female, custom of ducking, 202, n. 1.