Page:Hugh Pendexter--Kings of the Missouri.djvu/215

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it an' stand th' chance o' my medicine gettin' mad at it," spoke up Jim Baker.

Although much less superstitious than Baker there was the Indian's belief in medicine in Bridger, and he gravely offered Lander a hundred dollars gold for the weapon.

"It loses its medicine if it's sold," Lander explained.

Papa Clair heard these offers with much uneasy tugging at his mustaches. After the Indians had withdrawn he said:

"M'sieu Bridger, M'sieu Baker, you are my old friends. Now behold—I have four knives, all of the same family. I can not give a pointed weapon away. I can not sell it, as that kills its soul. But see! I will let each of you have one of the knives. Yes, I will do that. Whenever I want them back; if you have not lost them, I will ask and they become mine.

"They are very jealous. You must carry no other knife in the same belt. Best to wear them in the boot. And they are still mine."

"Derned if ye ain't all right!" joyously cried Baker. "My medicine didn't oughter rip and tear s'long as it's only lent to me. If ye ever want any ha'r raised jest call on Jim Baker."