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Ord. No. 47 of 2000

“artificial insemination” (人工授精) means a procedure under which sperm are introduced into the vagina or uterus of a woman otherwise than by sexual intercourse;

“authorized person” (獲授權人士) means—

(a) a member of the Council or of a committee; or
(b) a designated public officer;

“code” (守則) means a code of practice prepared and maintained under section 8, as in force from time to time;

“code of practice” (實務守則) includes—

(a) a standard;
(b) a specification; and
(c) any other documentary form of practical guidance;

“committee” (委員會) means a committee established under section 6(1) or a provision of Schedule 1;

“Council” (管理局) means the Council on Human Reproductive Technology established under section 4(1);

“designated public officer” (指定公職人員) means a public officer, or a public officer belonging to a class of public officer, designated in a notice under subsection (10);

“embryo research” (胚胎研究)—

(a) means any research involving the creation, use or manipulation of an embryo, whether or not the embryo is to be implanted into the body of a woman;
(b) includes a procedure specified in a notice under subsection (2)(a)(i) to be embryo research;
(c) excludes a procedure specified in a notice under subsection (2)(b)(i) not to be embryo research;

“function” (職能) includes a duty;

“in vitro fertilization” (體外受精)—

(a) means the fertilization of an egg by sperm outside the human body, whether or not the egg was originally removed from the body of that or any other woman;
(b) includes any procedure involving the induction or aspiration of an egg, or the culture of an egg for the purposes of any such fertilization;

“licence” (牌照) means a licence granted under section 23(1)(a);

“licensee” (持牌人), in relation to a licence, means the holder of the licence;

“negotiate” (商議), in relation to a surrogacy arrangement, includes any bid or offer in relation to the arrangement;

“notice” (公告、通知) means notice in writing;

“payment” (付款) means payment in money or money’s worth but does not include any payment for defraying or reimbursing—