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ceptable manner[1]; and through patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have hope[2].

IX. The infallible Rule of Interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture it ſelf: and therefore, when there is a Queſtion about the true and full ſenſe of any Scripture (which is not manifold but one) it muſt be ſearched and known by other places that ſpeak more cleerly[3].

X. The Supream Judg by which all Controverſies of Religion are to be determined, and all Decrees of Councels, Opinions of Ancient Writers, Doctrines of men and private ſpirits, are to be examined; and in whoſe ſentence we are to reſt can be no other but the Holy Spirit ſpeaking in the Scripture[4].

Chap. II.

Of God, and of the holy Trinity.

THere is but one only[5], living, and true God [6]: who is infinite in Being and Perfection[7], a moſt pure Spirit[8], inviſible[9] without body, parts[10], or paſſions[11], immutable[12], immenſe[13], eternal[14], incomprehenſible[15], almighty[16], moſt wiſe[17], moſt holy[18], moſt free[19], moſt abſolute[20], working all things according to the Counſel of his own immutable and moſt righteous wil[21], for his own glory[22], moſt loving[23], gracious, merciful, long-ſuffering, abundant in goodneſs and truth, forgiving iniquity, tranſgreſſion, and ſin[24], the rewarder of them that diligently ſeek him[25]; and withall, moſt juſt and terrible in his iudgmens[26], hating all ſin[27], and who wil by no means cleer the guilty[28].

II. God hath all life[29], glory[30], goodneſs[31], bleſſedneſs[32],