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Chap. IV.
Of Creation.
IT pleaſed God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoſt[1], for the manifeſtation of the glory of his eternal power, wiſdom, and goodneſs[2], in the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the World, and all things therein, whether viſible or inviſible, in the ſpace of ſix days, and all very good[3].
II. After God had made all other Creatures, he created Man, male and female[4], with reaſonable and immortal ſouls, indued with knowledge, righteouſneſs, and true holineſs, after his own Image[5], having the Law of God written in their hearts[6], and power to fulfill it[7]: and yet under a poſſibility of tranſgreſſing, being left to the Liberty of their own will, which was ſubject unto change[8]. Beſide this law written in their hearts, they received a command, not to eat of the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, which whiles they kept, they were happy in their Communion with God[9], and had Dominion over the creatures[10].
- ↑ Heb. 1. 2
Iohn 1. 2, 3
Gen. 1. 2
job 26. 13
Iob 33. 4 - ↑ Rom. 1 20
Ier. 10 12
Pſal. 104. 24
Pſal. 33. 5, 6 - ↑ Gen. 1. chap
Heb. 11. 3
Col. 1. 16
Acts 17. 24 - ↑ Gen. 1. 27 with Eccleſ 12, 7. & Luk 23. 43. & Mat. 10. 28
- ↑ Gen. 1. 26
Col. 3. 10
Eph. 4. 24 - ↑ Rom. 2. 14, 15
- ↑ Eccleſ. 7. 29
- ↑ Gen. 3. 6
Eccleſ. 7. 29 - ↑ Gen. 2. 27
Gen. 3. 8, 9, 10, 11, 26 - ↑ Gen, 1, 26, 28