Page:Hume - Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects - 1809 - Vol. 2.djvu/523

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The Numeral Letters refer to the Volume, and the Figures to the Page.


Abasement, not the natural consequence of Polytheism,ii. 440.
Abstraction, what,ii. 485, Note (P.)
Absurdity, not always the greatest in Polytheism,ii. 442.
.........., greedily coveted by popular Religions,ii. 443.
Acheans, employed Force in Forming their League,i. 470.
.........., their Number,i. 449.
Addison quoted,i. 93, 207. ii. 184.
Æschynes quoted,i. 341, 445.
Æschynes Socraticus quoted,ii. 374.
Ætolians, their Number,i. 449.
Agathocles, the Tyrant, his Cruelty,i. 426, 559, Note (CC.)
Agreeableness, a Source of Merit,ii. 209.
.........., to Ourself,ibid. &c.
.........., to Others,ii. 311, &c.
Agriculture, how best encouraged,i. 276, 277, 435.
Alcoran, its Ethics,i. 243.
Alexander the Impostor of Lucian, his Artifice,ii. 126.
Alexander the Great, his Saying to Parmenio,ii. 301.
.........., his Toleration,ii. 438.
.........., his Emulation of Bacchus,ii. 441.