Page:Humorous poems.pdf/21

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Waeworth the brandy, burning trash!
Fell source o' monie a pain and brash!
Twins monie a poor doylt drucken hash
O' hauf his days;
And sends, beside, auld Scotland's cash
To her warst faes.

Ye Scots, wha wish auld Scotland well,
Ye chief, to you my tale I tell.
Poor plackless deevils, like mysel'!
It sets you ill,
Wi' bitter, dearthfu' wines to meil,
Or foreign gill.

May gravels round his bladder wrench,
And gouts, torment him, inch by inch,
Wha twists his gryntie wi' a glunch
O' sour disdain,
Out-owre a glass o' whisky-punch
Wi' honest men.

O Whisky! soul o' plays and pranks,
Accept a bardie's humble thanks;
When wanting thee, what tuneless cranks
Are my poor verses
Thou comes—they rattle i' the ranks
At ithers' arses!

Thee, Fairntosh, O sadly lost!
Scotland, lament frae coast to coast;
Now cholic grips, and barking hoast,
May kill us a',
For loyal Forbes' charter'd boast
Is ta'en awa!