Page:Humours of Glasgow fair (1).pdf/6

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Blind Aleck the fiddler was trysted,
And he was to handle the bow,
On a big barrel head he was hoisted,
To keep himsel’ out o’ the row.
Lilt te turan an uran, &c.

Had ye seen sic a din and gafaaing,
Sic hooching and dancing was there,
Sic rugging, and riving, and drawing,
Was ne’er seen before in a fair.
For Tam, he wi’ Maggy was wheeling,
And he gied sic a terrible loup,
That his head cam a thump on the ceiling,
And he cam down wi’ a dump on his doup.
Lilt te turan an uran, &c.

Now they ate and they drank till their bellies
Were bent like the head of a drum,
Syne they raise and they caper’d like fillies,
Whene’er that the fiddle play'd bum.
Wi’ dancing they now were grown weary.
And scarcely were able to stan’,
So they took to the road a’ fu’ cheery,
As day was beginning to dawn.
Lilt to turan an uran, &c.


Auld John Paul was nae lazy man,
An’ auld John Paul was nae crazy man;
Tho’ his haffits were white, and his noddle was haul

Yet a slee, funny joker was auld John Paul.