Page:Humours of Gravel-Lane, or, The cobler's daughter's wedding.pdf/4

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Phyſicians, likewiſe, are aH tanners by trade,
And fortunes by workingon ſheep-skins have made;
With bark they tanning their patient's inſide,
’Till ſhoemaker Death bores a hole thro’ the hide.
Tol de rol, etc

To the tan-pit of Cupid fond lovers repair,
And throw themſelves in thro a fit of deſpair,
But Hymen good-natur’dly oft helps them out,
And their hearts being tann'd, why they ſoon get
Tol de rol, etc.

The foes cf Old England don’t tanning deſpiſe,
And to ſeafontheir hides well, I think they are wiſe.
But in ſpite of the Devil, that Tanner of ſins,
When Britons ſtrike home, they ſhan’t ſleep in
whole ſkins.
Tol dc rol, etc.


WHen Edward firſt beard Poll of Plymouth was
the functions of life made a pauſe, (dead,
His piteous eyes flood aghaſt in his head,
his ſhipmates enquired the cauſe
Reviving, a while, he addreſt them all round,
with his hand cloſtly preſt on his heart,
Saying, Within this ſad letter at once I have found,
the ſceptre of death and his dart.

It tells that my dear Poll of Plymouth is dead,
my comfort, my joy, and my life,
When I was torn from her, ſhe flew to her bed,
and ſighing reſigu’d her dear life;
He fancied he ſaw his dear Poll in the clouds,
then ſtay for poor Edward, he cry’d.
And ſwift as his fancy he ran up the ſhrouds,
and eagerneſs flaſh’d in his eyes.