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Hurrah for Jeff. Davis.
By a Lady Rebel—written after the battle of Bull Run.


Air—“Hurrah for the Bonnets o’ Blue.”


Hurrah for Jeff. Davis, Hurrah!
And hurrah for brave Beauregard, too;
Hurrah for the legion, the brave Southern men,
And down with the scared Yankee crew.

We’ve whipped them some five or six times—
They’ve thrown down their muskets and guns;
The teamsters ahead, the Bug-a-boos saw,
And away ran the brave mother’s sons!

Chorus—Hurrah for Jeff. Davis, &c.

Gen. Patterson’s the General for me,
He knows when to beat a retreat
And get out of all danger, for fear that himself
Or his horse, in the race, should be beat.

Chorus—Hurrah for Jeff. Davis, &c.

Never mind now about the knapsacks—
Pitch swords and canteens on the ground;
“Right about face,” and then “Double Quick” step
To Washington! on with a bound.

Hurrah for Jeff. Davis, Hurrah!
And hurrah for brave Beauregard, too;
Hurrah for the legion, the brave Southern men,
Three groans for the scared Yankee crew!