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ed. This sometimes answers, but if the spot has been frequently washed it will be very hard to move. In this case put on a little of the salt of sorrel and lemon juice. Sometimes one of these methods succeeds and sometimes another.

sprains, cure for.

TAKE a large spoonful of honey, the same quantity of salt, and the white of an egg, beat the whole up together incessantly for two hours, then let it stand an hour and annoint the place sprained with the oil which will be produced from the mixture, keeping the part well rolled with a good bandage. This is said, generally, to have enabled persons with sprained ankles to walk in twenty-four hours, entirely free from pain.

staggers in horses, Remedy for, which has been found effectual in repeated trials. By a gentleman in North Carolina.

THIS distemper, so fatal to that valuable animal, it is asserted, from the most respectable authority, may be cured by the following simple means: Take of the expressed juice of garlic six spoonsfull, which pour down the horse's throat by means of a horn, or give it him in a drench. If the first dose should not relieve him, or he should appear to be maze headed, repeat it after an intermedium of two or three hours. The juice of the leek or onion given in rather a greater quantity, will produce nearly the same effect As this disorder is an apoplexy of the nervous kind, it is presumed that the pungency of the liquid, by exciting powerfully the nervous system, effects the cure of a disorder hitherto considered as fatal.