IF hogs are scurry, and inclined to manginess, a little oil poured upon their backs will cause it to come off. Some say a small mess of rye now and then as a change of food is good against manginess, and other disorders.
If the issues in their fore legs should chance to get stopped, every attempt to fatten them will be vain. These, therefore should be watched, and if found to be stopped, should be rubbed open with a corn cob. Rubbing and currying their hides very frequently is of advantage to keep up the perspiration. It is grateful to the animals, as well as conducive to their health and growth. A proper scrubbing post in the middle of their pen will not be amiss, and during the whole time of their fatting they should have plenty of litter—They will lie more dry and warm, and it will be more than paid for by increase of good manure.
When hogs are killed a single one should not be left alone in a pen. He will pine after his former companions and will suffer for want of lodging so warm as he has been accustomed to do.
After swine have reached a certain degree of fatness, by feeding them on potatoes, oats, pumpkins, &c. a small quantity of richer food will complete the fattening. The change, however, from meaner to richer keeping should be gradual. It may not be said, that boiled potatoes mixed with meal will be profitable; for the mixture imparts no nutritive qualities to the potatoes. They are of no more use, except in making the change it is preferable to mix them with meal for a season, to prevent the bad effects of too great and sudden an alteration in their diet.