ed and examined, the worms destroyed, and the plants defended by slips of birch bark, or little wooden frames, which may be covered over the top with gauze to preserve the plants from flies. It is said that the water in which potatoes have been boiled will destroy worms and other insects.
Indian Corn may be preserved from worms by soaking it from 36 to 48 hours in a solution of salt and water or salt petre.
worms in the human species.
TAKE the spiky tops of wormwood, the flowers of tansy, and the root of wake-robbin,[1] of each one ounce; mix and pulverize. Take the bright scales of iron from a smith's forge, two ounces, and white chrystal glass, one ounce; mix, and make them into a moderately fine powder, but not impalpable. Then mix the whole together accurately for use[2] Dose for an adult from 30 to 40 grains, or about a moderate tea-spoonful in molasses. For children, the dose must be proportioned to their age.
TAKE a dose morning and night, on an empty stomach, for three days; and on the fourth, purge off with jalap, or any convenient physic. Repeat the course as the case may require. One and two courses in the common worm cases will suffice. There is rarely