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earth over it, and lay on the roots in their natural posture; eight or nine inches apart. Or, if you cannot get roots, place the seeds at half the distance from each other. Cover them by filling up the trench with the blackest of the earth which was taken out If you plant roots, the shoots may be cut the second year after,; if seeds they will not be fit to cut till the third year. All the shoots, which come up before the middle of June may be cut off without injury to the roots; After which time the late shoots should be left to run up and seed; otherwise the roots will be weakened. The seeds may be well preserved on the branches through the winter, hung up in a dry situation.

"This plant grows well on ground that is shaded. The plants will be large and tender; but they will not be so early. It is not amiss to have one bed in a shady place, to supply the table after the season is over for cutting the first. In autumn, after the tops are become white by the frost, they should be cleared off, and a layer of dung, or rich soil, an inch thick laid over the bed. This should be done yearly, and the bed kept clear of weeds. If the bed should be too high by this management, the surface may be taken off with a spade early in the spring to the depth of two inches, before the young shoots are in the way. But, when this is done, a thin dressing of rotten dung, or compost should be laid on." New-England Farmer.


SPIRITS of Tobacco two or three drops in a spoonful of water gruel, or the same quantity of Skunk's musk, on sugar; or three or four drops of Lobelia. Either of the above will, generally, give immediate, relief.