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Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/59

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Put one table spoonful of barm (or yeast) into a noggin, (or gill) of warm porter; stir it well, and while warm give it to the patient, repeating it every six hours while any symptom of fever remains; then reduce it to ten or twelve hours, and as the patient recovers, increase the distance of time to once a day. If porter cannot be had give beer; and if neither can be had, give warm water. If barm is not to be procured, make a poker red hot, and put it into half a pint of fresh porter or beer, and give the draught to the patient as warm as he can take it. This remedy has been used by Lady O Brien, in seventy two cases on her estates, seventy of whom recovered; it has also been administered most successfully in the Fever Hospital at Parson's Town, where scarcely a death has taken place since it was introduced.

Another Remedy.

A DUBLIN paper says, Take two gallons of salt water—if it is not convenient take fresh; but if it is salt water it will not require any alkali. Fresh water two gallons; Epsom salts four ounces, tar half a pound—combine those articles, stir the ingredients whenever it is used, and a tumbler full taken as occasion requires, will extirpate the malady.

Another Remedy.

TO half a pint of boiling water put about an ounce of dry pearlash, dip a flannel in it, and wet the whole surface of the body. In 19 minutes prepare a new wash, and repeat the application. Keep wet flannels on painful parts, keeping them wet, until the pain is removed. Give half a pint of warm water, after it has been boiled with a small quantity of pearlash, every 10 minutes till a free perspiration is produced, which in general will be in about two hours; then give half a pint of warm water with or without pearl ash, once in