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the Planetary Worlds.
Book 2.

New Conjectures concerning the Planetary Worlds.

B O O K the Second.

’TWAS a pretty many Years ago that I chanc’d to light upon Athanaſius Kircher’s Book, call’d The Ecſtatick Journey, which treats the nature of the Stars, and of the Things that are to be found in the Superficies of the Planets: I wondered to ſee nothing there of what I had often though not improbable, but quite other Things, nothing but a Heap of idle unreaſonable Stuff: which I was the more confirm’d in, when, after the writing of the former part, I ran over the Book again. And I thought mine were very conſiderable and weighty Matters if compar’d with Kircher’s. That other People may be ſatisfied in this, and ſee how vainly thoſe, who caſt off the only Foundations of Probability in ſuch Matters, which we have all the way made uſe of, pretend to philoſo-
