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Conjectures concerning
Book I.
quiry after what by my own acknowledgement I can never come to be ſure of; the Anſwer is, that at this rate he would put down all Natural Philoſophy as far as it concerns it ſelf in ſearching into the Nature Conjectures not uſeleſs, becauſe not certain.of Things: In ſuch noble and ſublime Studies as theſe, ’tis a Glory to arrive at Probability, and the Search it ſelf rewards the Pains. But there are many degrees of Probably, ſome nearer Truth than other, in the determining of which lies the chief Theſe Studies uſeful to Religion.exerciſe of our Judgement. But beſides the Nobleneſs and Pleaſure of the Studies, may not we be ſo bold as to ſay, they are no ſmall help to the Advancement of Wiſdom and Morality? ſo far are they from being of no uſe at all. For here we may mount from this dull Earth, and viewing it from on high, conſider whether Nature has laid out all her Coſt and Finery upon this ſmall Speck of Dirt. So, like Travellers into other diſtant Countries, we ſhall be better able to judge of what’s done at home, know how to make a true Eſtimate of, and ſet
