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Conjectures concerning
Book I.
the Orbs the Planets move in, in that order that they are placed round the Sun, drawn as near as can be in their true Proportions, like what you have ſeen in my Clock at home. The ſecond ſhows the Proportions of their Magnitudes in reſpect of one another and of the Sun, which you know is upon that ſame Clock of mine too. In the firſt the middle Point or Center is the Place of the Sun, round which, in an order that every one knows, are the Orbits of Mercury, Venus, the Earth with that of the Moon about it; then thoſe of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn: and about the two laſt the ſmall Circles that their Attendants move in: about Jupiter four, and about Saturn five. Which Circles as well as that of the Moon are drawn larger than their true Proportion would admit, otherwiſe they could not have been ſeen. You may eaſily apprehend the Vaſtneſs of theſe Orbits by this, that the diſtance of the Earth from the Sun is ten or twelve thouſand of the Earth’s Diameters. Almoſt all theſe Circles are in the ſame Plane, declining very
