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Conjectures concerning
Book I.
her Works. If any one is reſolved to Arguments for the Truth on’t. find fault with it, let him firſt be ſure he underſtands it. Let him firſt ſee in the Books of the Aſtronomers with how much greater Eaſe and Plainneſs all the Motions of the Stars, and Appearances in the Heavens are explained and demonſtrated in this than either in that of Ptolomy or Tycho. Let him conſider that Diſcovery of Kepler, that the Diſtances of the Planets from the Sun, as well of them Earth as the reſt, are in a fix’d certain proportion to the Times they ſpend in their Revolutions. Which Proportion it’s ſince obſerved that their Satellites keep round Jupiter and Saturn. Let him examine what a contradictory Motion they are fain to invent for the Solution of the Polar Star’s changing its Diſtance from the Pole. For that Star in the end of the little Bear’s Tail which now deſcribes ſo ſmall a Circle round the Pole, that it is not above two Degrees and twenty Minutes, was obſerved about 1820 Years ago, in the Time of Hipparchus, to be above 12:
