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Conjectures concerning

Book I.
ved round their own Axis; for ſince ’tis certain that Jupiter and Saturn are, who can doubt it of the others? Again, as the Earth has its Moon moving round it, ſo Jupiter and Saturn have theirs. Now ſince in ſo many Things they thus agree, what can be more probably than that in others they agree too; and that the other Planets are as beautiful and as well ſtock’d with Inhabitants as the Earth? Or what ſhadow of Reaſon can there be why they ſhould not?

If any one ſhould be at the Diſſection of a Dog, and there be ſhewn the Intrails, the Heart, Stomach, Liver, Lungs and Guts, all the Veins, Arteries and Nerves; could ſuch a Man reaſonably doubt whether there were the ſame Contexture and Variety of Parts in a Bullock, Hog, or any other Beaſt, tho’ he had never chanc’d to ſee the like opening of them? I don’t believe he would. Or were we thoroughly ſatisfy’d in the Nature of one of the Moons round Jupiter, ſhould not we ſtraight conclude the ſame of the reſt of them? So if we could be’
