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Conjectures concerning

Book I.
much more or leſs the Gravitation in Jupiter or Saturn is than here; of which Diſcovery and its Author you may read my Eſſay of the Cauſes of Gavitation.

But now to carry the Search farther, let us ſee by what Steps we muſt riſe to the attaining ſome knowledge in the deeper Secrets concerning the State and Furniture of theſe new Earths. And, firſt, how likely is it that they may be ſtock’d with PlantsHave Animals and Plants. and Animals as well as we? I ſuppoſe no Body will deny but that there’s ſomewhat more of Contrivance, ſomewhat more wonderful in the Production and Growth of Plants an Animals, than in Lifeleſs Heaps of inanimate Bodies, be they never ſo much larger; as Mountains, Rocks, or Seas are. For the Finger of God, and the Wiſdom of Divine Providence, is in them much more clearly manifeſted than in the other. One of Democritus’s or Carte’s Scholars may venture perhaps to give ſome tolerable Explication of the Appearnace in Heaven and Earth, allow him but his Atoms
