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Conjectures concerning

an exact Correſpondence in Figure and Shape, the ſame ways of Growth, and new Productions, and of continuing their own Kind. Their Animals have feet and Wings like ours, and like ours have Hearts, Lungs, Guts, and the Parts ſerving to Generation; whereas all theſe Things, as well with them as us, might, if it had pleaſed Infinite Wiſdom, have been order’d a very different Way. ’Tis plain then that Nature has not exhibited that Variety in her Works that ſhe could, and therefore we muſt not allow that Weight to this Argument, as upon the Account of it to make every Thing in the Planets quite different from what is here. ’Tis more probably that all the Difference there is between us and them, ſprings from the greater or leſs diſtance and influence from that Fountain of Heat and Life the Sun; which will cauſe a Difference not ſo much in their Form and Shape, as in their Matter and Contexture.

Planets have Water.And as for the Matter whereof the Plants and Animals there conſiſt, tho’
