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Conjectures concerning
Book I.
have the ſame Method of Production: Tho’ in them there has been no opportunity to make the ſame Obſervationm as well as by reaſon of their flow Advances, as that they are commonly found far from the Places of their Generation; thrown up I ſuppoſe by ſome Earthquakes or Convulſions. That the Planets are not without Water, is made not improbable by the later Obſervations: For about Jupiter are obſerved ſome Spots of a darker Colour than the reſt of his Body, which by their continual change ſhow themſelves to be Clouds: For the Spots of Jupiter which belong to him, and never remove from him, are quite different from theſe, being ſometimes for a long time not to be ſeen theſe Clouds; and again, when theſe diſappear, ſhowing themſelves. And at the going off of theſe Clouds, ſome Spots have been taken notice of in him, much brighter than the reſt of his Body, which remained but a little while, and then were hid from our Sight. Theſe Monſieur Caſſini thinks are only the
