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Conjectures concerning

Book I.
diſtant Countries, as there was of its being followed in the remote Quarters of this ſame Earth.

The ſame true of their Animals.’Tis much of the ſame in Animals as ’tis in Plants, as to their manner of Nouriſhment, and Propogation of their Kind. For ſince all the living Creatures of this Earth, whether Beaſts, Birds, Fiſhes, Worms, or Insects, univerſally and inviolably follow the ſame conſtant and fix’d Inſtitution of Nature; all feed on Herbs, or Fruits, or the Fleſh of other Animals that fed on them: ſince all Generation is peformed by the impregnating of the Eggs, and the Copulation of Male and Female: Why may not the ſame Rule be obſerved in the Planetary Worlds? For ’tis certain that the Herbs and Animals that are there would be loſt, their whole Species deſtroyed without ſome daily new Productions: except there be no ſuch thing there as Misfortune or Accident: except the Plants are not like other humid Bodies, but can bear Heat, Froſt, and Age, without being dry’d up, kill’d, or decay’d: except the Animals have Bodies as hard
