Page:Hyderabad in 1890 and 1891; comprising all the letters on Hyderabad affairs written to the Madras Hindu by its Hyderabad correspondent during 1890 and 1891 (IA hyderabadin1890100bangrich).pdf/73

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Page 65

having thrashed another to such an extent as to loosen two of his teeth, before a Magistrate. The Magistrate goes through the evidence put before him, convicts the accused and sentences him to a certain punishment. The accused appeals. The Appellate Court sends one of the teeth which has fallen off since the decision of the Lower Court to a Hakim for examination. The Hakim deposes to its not being a human tooth-with the result that the Court not only reverses the judgment of the lower Court but sentences the complainant to a year's imprisonment for perjury. This is Hyderabad Justice.