Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1081

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1 Other birth injuries to skull

Excludes1: cephalhematoma (P12.0)
P13.2 Birth injury to femur
P13.3 Birth injury to other long bones
P13.4 Fracture of clavicle due to birth injury
P13.8 Birth injuries to other parts of skeleton
P13.9 Birth injury to skeleton, unspecified

P14 Birth injury to peripheral nervous system

P14.0 Erb's paralysis due to birth injury
P14.1 Klumpke's paralysis due to birth injury
P14.2 Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury
P14.3 Other brachial plexus birth injuries
P14.8 Birth injuries to other parts of peripheral nervous system
P14.9 Birth injury to peripheral nervous system, unspecified

P15 Other birth injuries

P15.0 Birth injury to liver
Rupture of liver due to birth injury
P15.1 Birth injury to spleen
Rupture of spleen due to birth injury
P15.2 Sternomastoid injury due to birth injury
P15.3 Birth injury to eye
Subconjunctival hemorrhage due to birth injury
Traumatic glaucoma due to birth injury
P15.4 Birth injury to face
Facial congestion due to birth injury
P15.5 Birth injury to external genitalia
P15.6 Subcutaneous fat necrosis due to birth injury
P15.8 Other specified birth injuries
P15.9 Birth injury, unspecified

Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific to the perinatal period (P19-P29)

P19 Metabolic acidemia in newborn

Includes: (fetal) metabolic acidemia in newborn
P19.0 Metabolic acidemia in newborn first noted before onset of labor
P19.1 Metabolic acidemia in newborn first noted during labor
P19.2 Metabolic acidemia noted at birth
P19.9 Metabolic acidemia, unspecified

P22 Respiratory distress of newborn

Excludes1: respiratory arrest of newborn (P28.81)
respiratory failure of newborn NOS (P28.5)