Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1166

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fatigue syndrome NOS

Excludes1: postviral fatigue syndrome (G93.3)
R53.83 Other fatigue
Fatigue NOS
Lack of energy
Old age
Senile asthenia
Senile debility
Excludes1: age-related cognitive decline (R41.81)
senile psychosis (F03)
senility NOS (R41.81)

R55 Syncope and collapse

Includes: blackout
vasovagal attack
Excludes1: cardiogenic shock (R57.0)
carotid sinus syncope (G90.01)
heat syncope (T67.1)
neurocirculatory asthenia (F45.3)
neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (G90.3)
orthostatic hypotension (I95.1)
postprocedural shock (T81.1)
psychogenic syncope (F48.8)
shock NOS (R57.9)
shock complicating or following abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.3)
shock complicating or following labor and delivery (O75.1)
Stokes-Adams attack (I45.9)
unconsciousness NOS (R40.2-)

R56 Convulsions, not elsewhere classified

Excludes1: dissociative convulsions and seizures (F44.5)
epileptic convulsions and seizures (G40.-)
newborn convulsions and seizures (P90)
R56.0 Febrile convulsions
R56.00 Simple febrile convulsions
Febrile convulsion NOS
Febrile seizure NOS
R56.01 Complex febrile convulsions
Atypical febrile seizure