Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/141

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benign neoplasm of anus NOS (D12.9)

D23.6 Other benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb, including shoulder
D23.60 Other benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb, including shoulder, unspecified side
D23.61 Other benign neoplasm of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder
D23.62 Other benign neoplasm of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
D23.7 Other benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip
D23.70 Other benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip, unspecified side
D23.71 Other benign neoplasm of skin of right lower limb, including hip
D23.72 Other benign neoplasm of skin of left lower limb, including hip
D23.9 Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecified

D24 Benign neoplasm of breast

Includes: benign neoplasm of connective tissue of breast
benign neoplasm of soft parts of breast
fibroadenoma of breast
Excludes2: adenofibrosis of breast (N60.2)
benign cyst of breast (N60.-)
benign mammary dysplasia (N60.-)
benign neoplasm of skin of breast (D22.5, D23.5)
fibrocystic disease of breast (N60.-)
D24.0 Benign neoplasm of female breast
D24.00 Benign neoplasm of female breast, unspecified side
D24.01 Benign neoplasm of right female breast
D24.02 Benign neoplasm of left female breast
D24.1 Benign neoplasm of male breast
D24.10 Benign neoplasm of male breast, unspecified side
D24.11 Benign neoplasm of right male breast
D24.12 Benign neoplasm of left male breast

D25 Leiomyoma of uterus

Includes: uterine fibroid
uterine fibromyoma
uterine myoma
D25.0 Submucous leiomyoma of uterus
D25.1 Intramural leiomyoma of uterus
Interstitial leiomyoma of uterus
D25.2 Subserosal leiomyoma of uterus
Subperitoneal leiomyoma of uterus
D25.9 Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified