Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1433

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001 Unspecified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at wrist and hand level

S66.002 Unspecified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.009 Unspecified injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level of unspecified side
S66.01 Strain of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.011 Strain of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.012 Strain of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.019 Strain of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level of unspecified side
S66.02 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.021 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.022 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.029 Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level of unspecified side
S66.09 Other injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.091 Other injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.092 Other injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at wrist and hand level
S66.099 Other injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level of unspecified side
S66.1 Injury of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of other and unspecified finger at wrist and hand level
Excludes2: Injury of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level (S66.0-)