Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1714

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811 Toxic effect of latex, accidental (unintentional)

Toxic effect of latex NOS
T65.812 Toxic effect of latex, intentional self-harm
T65.813 Toxic effect of latex, assault
T65.814 Toxic effect of latex, undetermined
T65.82 Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins
Toxic effect of (harmful) algae bloom NOS
Toxic effect of blue-green algae bloom
Toxic effect of brown tide
Toxic effect of cyanobacteria bloom
Toxic effect of Florida red tide
Toxic effect of pfiesteria piscicida
Toxic effect of red tide
T65.821 Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, accidental (unintentional)
Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins NOS
T65.822 Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, intentional self-harm
T65.823 Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, assault
T65.824 Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, undetermined
T65.83 Toxic effect of fiberglass
T65.831 Toxic effect of fiberglass, accidental (unintentional)
Toxic effect of fiberglass NOS
T65.832 Toxic effect of fiberglass, intentional self-harm
T65.833 Toxic effect of fiberglass, assault
T65.834 Toxic effect of fiberglass, undertermined
T65.89 Toxic effect of other specified substances
T65.891 Toxic effect of other specified substances, accidental (unintentional)
Toxic effect of other specified substances NOS
T65.892 Toxic effect of other specified substances, intentional self-harm
T65.893 Toxic effect of other specified substances, assault
T65.894 Toxic effect of other specified substances, undetermined
T65.9 Toxic effect of unspecified substance
T65.91 Toxic effect of unspecified substance, accidental (unintentional)