Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1717

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9 Effect of reduced temperature, unspecified

T70 Effects of air pressure and water pressure

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T70
A initial encounter
D subsequent encounter
S sequela
T70.0 Otitic barotrauma
Aero-otitis media
Effects of change in ambient atmospheric pressure or water pressure on ears
T70.1 Sinus barotrauma
Effects of change in ambient atmospheric pressure on sinuses
T70.2 Other and unspecified effects of high altitude
Excludes2: polycythemia due to high altitude (D75.1)
T70.20 Unspecified effects of high altitude
T70.29 Other effects of high altitude
Alpine sickness
Anoxia due to high altitude
Barotrauma NOS
Mountain sickness
T70.3 Caisson disease [decompression sickness]
Compressed-air disease
Diver's palsy or paralysis
T70.4 Effects of high-pressure fluids
Hydraulic jet injection (industrial)
Pneumatic jet injection (industrial)
Traumatic jet injection (industrial)
T70.8 Other effects of air pressure and water pressure
T70.9 Effect of air pressure and water pressure, unspecified

T71 Asphyxiation

Mechanical suffocation
Traumatic suffocation
Excludes1: acute respiratory distress (syndrome) (J80)
anoxia due to high altitude (T70.2)
asphyxia NOS (R09.01)
asphyxia from carbon monoxide (T58.-)
asphyxia from inhalation of food or foreign body (T17.-)
asphyxia from other gases, fumes and vapors (T59.-)
respiratory distress (syndrome) in newborn (P22.-)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T71
A initial encounter
D subsequent encounter
S sequela