Page:ICD-10-CM (2010).djvu/1876

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W29.0 Contact with powered kitchen appliance
Contact with blender
Contact with can-opener
Contact with garbage disposal
Contact with mixer
W29.1 Contact with electric knife
W29.2 Contact with other powered household machinery
Contact with electric fan
Contact with powered dryer (clothes) (powered) (spin)
Contact with washing-machine
Contact with sewing machine
W29.3 Contact with powered garden and outdoor hand tools and machinery
Contact with chainsaw
Contact with edger
Contact with garden cultivator (tiller)
Contact with hedge trimmer
Contact with other powered garden tool
Excludes1: contact with powered lawn mower (W28)
W29.4 Contact with nail gun
W29.8 Contact with other powered powered hand tools and household machinery
Contact with do-it-yourself tool NOS

W30 Contact with agricultural machinery

Includes: animal-powered farm machine
Excludes1: agricultural transport vehicle accident (V01-V99)
explosion of grain store (W40.8)
exposure to electric current (W86.-)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category W30
A initial encounter
D subsequent encounter
S sequela
W30.0 Contact with combine harvester
Contact with reaper
Contact with thresher
W30.1 Contact with power take-off devices (PTO)
W30.2 Contact with hay derrick
W30.3 Contact with grain storage elevator
Excludes1: explosion of grain store (W40.8)
W30.8 Contact with other specified agricultural machinery
W30.81 Contact with agricultural transport vehicle in stationary use
Contact with agricultural transport vehicle under repair, not on public roadway
Excludes1: agricultural transport vehicle accident (V01-V99)