Page:Idalia, by 'Ouida' volume 2.djvu/280

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thousands; but the care of the monks, who made their sole repasts from its treasuries, kept it well stocked with fish, and in a brief time he landed both dace and roach, though his strong wrists trembled as they had never done when a Highland salmon had dragged him miles down the length of a moorland river in a wrestling duel that lasted from noon till evening.

The monk, returning with bis buckets from the well, saw the sacrilegious raid upon the heaven-dedicated food, and as the angler had relied on, drew near him in wrath and in rebuke.

"Nay, good father," said Erceldoune, lifting the fish to him, "I am an idle fellow; grudge me not a chance of doing a trifle for Holy Church. I am more used, maybe, than your brethren to filling a creel quickly."

"My son, yon are welcome to our charity," replied the monk, a little confused at finding a robber offer him so willingly the spoils. "All I meant was, that, of a truth, such varlets and ruffians poach on the waters that we are obliged to guard them something strictly. You have a supple wrist and a marvellous strength; we," added the friar, with a sigh of envy, "angle all day sometimes, and catch nothing."