Page:Idalia, by 'Ouida' volume 2.djvu/63

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"Pace, pace, caro!" he said, softly. "Why will you always be so impetuous? Vesuvius yonder, who looks rather dangerous to-day by-the-by, was never more impulsive! What annoys you so much in this colossal courier being in love with Miladi Idalia? He is not the first by many a score!"

Conrad Phaulcon swung round and strode up to his tormentor.

"By Heaven, if you taunt me, or scoff at her with that——"

"Gently, gently, très cher! We do not quarrel. Besides, there is really no object in assuming all that with me. Just recollect how long I have known you—and how well!"

Phaulcon was silenced, and lashed into obedience: his head dropped; he turned again, and paced the chamber with fast, uneven steps.

"This idea annoys you," pursued his counsellor, leisurely. "I grant his presence is troublesome, awkward indeed for you; and Scotch patience with Spanish fire is a disagreeable combination. Besides, your own excessive impetuosity made that little affair very notorious; if he were to recognise you, I fear, do what you would, something extremely unpleasant would result. Still, with due caution this might not happen, and no danger need occur from it if