They talked of home and friends until the lighterRipple of their thoughts in deeper channels flowed;And then they talked of Israel's bondage,And the great deliverance about to dawnUpon the fortunes of their race; and MosesTold him of the burning bush, and how the messageOf his God was trembling on his lips. And thusThey talked until the risen moon had veiledThe mount in soft and silvery light; and thenThey rested until morn, and rising up, refreshedFrom sleep, pursued their way until they reachedThe land of Goshen, and gathered up the eldersOf their race, and told them of the messageOf their Father's God. Then eager lips caught upThe words of hope and passed the joyful "newsAround, and all the people bowed their headsAnd lifted up their hearts in thankfulnessTo God." That same dayMoses sought an audience with the king. He foundHim on his throne surrounded by the princesOf his court, who bowed in lowly homageAt his feet. And Pharaoh heard with curving lipAnd flushing cheek the message of the Hebrew's GodThen asked in cold and scornful tones, "HasIsrael a God, and if so where has he dweltFor ages? As the highest priest of EgyptI have prayed to Isis, and the Nile hasOverflowed her banks and filled the land