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Chile is the astronomy world's capital. The world's most state-of-the-art observatories survey the southern sky to find new distant galaxies and planets, and to contribute with hints to answer questions such as where do we come from, where do we go or if there is life in some other places in the Universe. Responding to the citizen interest on this subject, the Science Communication Center of Universidad Autónoma de Chile provide to the community a book in which some details about some of the most relevant stars, such as the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon are addressed accurately, stressing one of the most exciting, fascinating wonders that involve these three celestial bodies: Eclipses.

Illustrated Astronomy was written by the Ph.D. in Astrophysics and science communicator, Juan Carlos Beamin, and had illustrations of the artist/astronomer, José Uteras, who gave life to this book with his colors, which main goal, in particular, is transforming astronomy the science behind our Sun, Moon and Earth, in a collective good and at everyone's fingertips. Illustrated Astronomy is part of the collection called Aprende Conciencia, and it can be freely donwloaded from the site web