Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/200

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leaves. Capitula terminal or axillary. Involucre im- bricated, scales more or less pungent. Receptacle fim- briliferous. Flowers purple or white. Himalayas, V. S. ex Herb. Munro.

107. Echenais (Cass. D. C. 6-660). Differs from the preceding, in the achaenia being striated and the pappus double ; the exterior seta? short, the interior long, dilated at the apex into a flattened, nail-like, membranaceous disk. — Erect, herbaceous plants : capitula nodding : flow- ers white. Himalayas.

108. Lappa (Tourn. D. C. Prod. 6-661). Capitula homogamous, equal-flowered. Corolla regular, 5-cleft, tube 10-nerved. Filaments papillose; anthers prolong- ed into filiform appendices. Stigmas diverging. Achae- nia oblong, compressed, transversely rugous. Pappus many series, short. — Herbs, with petioled, cordate leaves, and terminal, corymbose capitula. Involucre globose, imbricated. Scales hooked at the point. Corolla pur- ple, varying to white. Himalayas. -

Sub-tribe. Serratulejs. Capitula many -flowered, in- volucra many series. Scales scarcely spined. Flowers hermaphrodite or dioicous. Corolla 5-cleft. Filaments papillose or pilose. Anthers ecaudate. Achcenia glab- rous. Pappus pilose or feathery.

109. Serratcla (D. C. 6-667). Capitula usually homogamous, sometimes, by abortion, 1-sexual, or the ray female. Corolla 5-cleft, sub-irregular. Filaments pilose. Stigmas diverging. Achaenia oblong, compress- ed, hilum oblique. Pappus unequal, hairs many series ; rough, not annulate. — Unarmed or prickly herbs. In- volucre ovate, scales imbricated, the exterior ones shorter, spinulose ; interior long, scariose at the apex. Receptacle fimbrillate. Corolla purple or white, never yellow. Himalayas, Cochin China.

110. Jurinea (Cass. D. C. 6-673). Capitula homoga- mous. Corolla longer than the involucre. Stigmas distinct. Achaenia obpyramidal, 4-sided, with an api- cular areola, afterwards growing into deciduous shield, hearing the pappus. Pappus rising within a minute, calyciform margin, thick, unequal, barbellate. — Herba- ceous perennials, leaves white, tomentose beneath. In- volucre sub-globose or cylindrical, scales imbricated, unarmed, adpressed. Fimbrillae of the receptacle cleft into linear bristles. Flowers purple. Himalayas.


Tribe VI. Motisiace.e.

Sub-tribe. Mutisie^:. Capitula very rarely -flowered, usually 1 series of females in the margin, the rest hermaph- rodite. Style thick, branches exteriorly very convex in the hermaphrodite ones ; the exterior as well as the superior part of the style puberulous or glabrous. Pollen often slightly elliptic. Shrubs or large herbs, with large, hand- some capitula.

Div. II. Eumutisie^:. Anthers caudate.

111. Ainslijea (D. C. 7-13). Capitula 3-flowered, homogamous. Corolla tubular, bilabiate, exterior lip 3- interior 2-cleft Anthers appendiculate, with long spurs

at the base. Stigmas exserted, obtuse, glabrous, often, by abortion, unequal, acute, or one altogether abortive. Achaenia terete, villous, erostrate. Pappus 1 series, seta? elegantly plumose. — Herbaceous perennials; stems erect, simple. Involucre cylindrical, scales lanceolate, acuminated, imbricate. Receptacle naked. Flowers purple. [This genus is dedicated to the late Dr. White- law Ainslie, of Madras, an honour well merited in return for his most valuable Materia Medica of Hin- doostan.] Himalayas.

112. Gerbera (Gron. Linn. D. C. Prod. 7-15). Capitula many-flowered, heterogamous ; ray florets 1 series, ligu- liform. Corolla bilabiate, exterior lip 3-toothed, elon- gated in the ray; interior bidentate in the disk, bipartite in the ray, of the ray cirriform. Anthers glabrous in the disk, wanting in the ray. Achasnia more or less ros- trate. Pappus 2 series, setoso-paleaceous, serrated, equal. — Perennial herbs ; scapes 1-cephalous. Involu- cre scales adpressed, oblong, receptacle naked. Flow- ers yellow or reddish, pappus reddish. Himalayas.

113. Oreoseris, (D. C. 7-17). Capitula heteroga- mous, radiate-like ; marginal florets female ; disk her- maphrodite. Corolla bilabiate, 2-3-cleft. Exterior lip of the ray ligulate, 3-cleft. Anthers long-spurred, spurs lacerated at the point. Style tumid at the base, branches short, obtuse. Achaenia oblong, puberulous. Pappus 2 series, setae serrated, equal. — Herbs: radical leaves lyrate or pinnatifid, tomentose beneath. Scape 1-cepha- lous. Involucre two or more series, scales acuminated. Receptacle naked. Flowers yellow. Himalayas.

114. Borniera (D. C. Prod. 7-18). Capitula many- and equal-flowered, homogamous. Corolla bilabiate; exterior lip 3-dentate, erect ; interior, bidentate, revolute. Anthers surmounted by long, lanceolate, acuminate ap- pendages, spur bearded at the point. Achaenia elon- gated, shortly beaked. Pappus several series, bristles rigid. — Perennial, stemless herbs ; leaves long, petioled, sagittato-cordate ; scapes 1-cephalous. Involucre sub- campanulate, 2-3 series. Receptacle naked, alveolate. Corolla purplish. Himalayas.

115. Leucomeris (Don. D. C. 7-25). Capitula 4-6- flowered, homogamous. Corolla tubular, 5-cleft, lobes linear, sub-callous at the apex. Anthers elongated, caudas plumose. Style bulbus at the base, scarcely ex- serted; branches short, obtuse, glabrous. Achaenia covered with silky villi surrounding the apex, like caly- cled pappus. Pappus several series, rough, rigid. — Shrubs or herbs: leaves alternate, tomentose beneath. Capitula corymbosely fascicled. Involucre glabrous, cylindrical, imbricated. Receptacle naked. Corolla purplish: anthers white. Himalayas.

116. Dicoma (Less. D. C. 7-35, R. W. Icones 1140). Capitula homogamous or heterogamous. Corolla of the disk regular, 5-parted ; of the ray, in heterogamous cap- itula, neuter, ligulate, bilabiate or roundish tubulate. Anthers long, caudate, caudae bearded. Branches of the style short, erect, obtuse, hispidulous at the apex. Achaenia turbinate, often 10-ribbed. Pappus two or more series. — Suffruticose or herbaceous. Leaves al- ternate. Capitula solitary. Involucre campanulate. Scales obsoletely many-nerved, sometimes pungent Receptacle alveolate. Flowers white or purple. Pen- insula. Common in the Coimbatore district, in arid, gravelly soils.