Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/399

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8. Convolvulus. L.

Stem erect ; peduncles longish, - - - - - - 60 C. Rottlerianus, Ch.

twining- — a.

Peduncles few, 1- to 3-flowered — 6.

umbellately many-flowered, - - - - - - 61 C. parviflorus.

, ^ Leaves sagittate, somewhat auricled ; sepals obtuse, - - 62 C. arvensis.

I hastate, cordate, sinuately toothed : sepals ovate acuminated, - - 63 C. refescens, Ch.

9. Aniseia. Ch.

Stem hairy, twining, leaves oblong cordate, acuminated, longish petioled, - 64 A. calycina, Ch. Stem glabrous or nearly so, rooting, leaves oblong, linear or cuneate, very shortly petioled, - - - - - - -65 A. uniflora.

10. Hewitia. W. Sf A. Shuteria, Ch. (not W. Sf A.) 1. H. bicolor W. & A. (C. bicolor Vahl. & C. bracteatus Vahl.)

11. Porana. Burnt.

1. P. paniculata Roxb. (perhaps not indigenous).

12. Breweria. R. Br.

Stem twining, leaves cordate ovate, acuminated, softly villous, petioled, 2 inches long, - - - - - - - - 66 B. Roxburghii, Ch.

Stem erect : leaves from oblong lanceolate, to oval and obtuse, almost glab- rous, sub-sessile, 1^-2 lines long, - - - - - - 67 B. Evolvuloides.

13. Cress a. L. 1. C. indica, Retz.

14. Evolvulus. Linn.

Leaves almost sessile, hirsute on both sides, - - - - - 68 E. hirsutus, L. shortly petioled (various as to shape and hairiness), - - 69 E. alsinoides, L.

15. Cuscuta.

Flowers racemose, 5-cleft : style 1. - - - - - 70 C. reflexa R.

Peduncles 3-flowered, flowers 4-cleft : styles 2, - - 71 C. hyalina, R.

1 Convol. gangeticus, Roxb. 2 Letts, uniflora, Roxb. 3 Letts, bona-nox, Roxb. 5 L. nervosa, R. 6 L. argentea, R. 8 Convol. fulgens, Wall. 10 Letts, pomacea. 11 Letts, strigosa, R. 14 A. bracteata, Wight in Comp. Bat. Mag. t. 3. 15 Ipom. multiflora, R. 16 C. malabaricus Linn. 19 Letts, aggregata, 20 L. setosa R. 21 L. oymosa, R. 22 Ipom. phcenicea, R. 23 Ip. Q,uamoclit, L. 24 C. hirsutus, Roxb. C. munitus, Wall. 25 Con. Batatas L. 26 C. paniculata, L. 27 C. purpureus, L. 28 Ip. coerulea and ccerulescens, Con. nil Linn. 29 Ip. bona-nox, L. Ip. grandiflora, Roxb. 30 Ip. muricata, Linn, and Roxb. 31 C. asper., Wall. 32 Convol. repens, Roxb. 33 Ip. pescaprce, C. bilobus R. 34 C. flagelliformis, Roxb. 35 C. renifis Roxb. 36 C. hirsutus, Wall. 38 C. medius, R. not Linn. 40 not Linn., the Linn, plant is Rivea tilioefolia. 41 C. vitifol. R. 43 I. diversifolia, Ch. not Br. 46 C. sphoerocephalus R. 47 C. Kleinii, Sp. 47 I. staphylina R. and S. 49 C. blandus, R. and C. pentagonis, R. 51 C. ob- scurus, Willd. 52 perhaps a variety of Ip. cymosa. 53 C. dentatus R. C. flavus Willd. 54 C. pilosus, R. 55 C. Wightii, Wall. PL As. Rar. 57 C. pedetus, Roxb. 58 C. digitatus, R. 61 Retzia pilosa, Rott. 62 C. Malcomi, R. 64 Con. calycinus, R. 65 C. uniflorus, Burm. C. emarginatus, Vahl. C. Rheedii, Wall. 66 C. semidigynus. 67 Ip. parviflora, Rutt 68 E. sericius, Wall. 69 E. angustifolius, R. These two probably the same species.


1. Ipomcea racemosa (Roth, Choisy. J. staphylina Roem. and Sch. and Choisy formerly), flowering branch, natural size.

2. Detached corolla split open.

3. Calyx and ovary.

4. Ovary cut transversely, 2-celled with 2 ovules in each.


5. Mature capsule.

6. Capsule in state of dehiscence, 2-valved.

Obs. As this species rarely perfects its fruit those shown figs. 5 and 6 are taken from another species, none of the proper ones being procurable when the drawing was made.