coupled with the context, that the disease is contracted by a change of climate, viz. that of Europe for that of the West Indies. The two last words (tum memorat) intimate that, when that point of the process is attained, the bark (implied by a reference to the river Mamore, on which the tree producing it grows) is afterwards to be taken internally, in order to a completion of the cure.”
That the author of the Andalusia and Supplement is a formidable rival to the specimen now to be produced, cannot in fairness be denied, but in the comparison some “partial fondness” induces me to think, that “the superiority must, with some hesitation, be allowed to Mr. Matthews.” “If the flights of Matthews, therefore, are higher, Deverell continues longer on the wing. Matthews often surpasses expectation, and Deverell never falls below it.”
It only remains to mention that these opinions have been collected from the patient since the termination of the legal