other of all the ministers in their turn, conjuring them to exert themselves to prevent wretches from disorganizing the British navy ; this obliged such experts and gangs also, to have recourse to such caution till they could get rid of me ; that in truth, they could not make any way therein while I was at large : and to this solely was owing their not having been able to fulfil their engagements with the French, to have the British fleet in confusion by the time stipulated ; and which inability from such fear, more than the storm, forced General Hoche, whose armament was called the Avant-Garde of the intended French invasion to return as he came. And they have ever pretended that Hoche, having been exasperated against the workers, spoke bitterly of them, and was by one of their experts put out : (viz. destroyed by poisonous magnetic fluid, which kills by possessing itself of the hollows of